Terms of Service

General details
This price is a personal use commission.
For commercial commissions are usually x1.5 of the provided noncommercial.
It takes about 1-2 months to work.
Contact commission DM Twitter, Email, send Note Deviantart or Vgen commission(a little bit higher price).
You can also contact me with Discord and recommended (send DM in twitter for Discord ID).
The price can be neogitated.
About payment
Payments are made via Paypal
Full prepayment.
The payment will not refunds.
Rules, uses and credits
Please specify the scope of use of artwork in briefing process.
The credit for the work remains with the artist, Employer cannot claim that it is artwork own.
Credits to iBooBee if possible.
Artists have the right to include work in a portfolio / social media, If you not wish to publish, please notify me before start commission.